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Important: please take note of some major updates that have been or will be implemented in 2018
New Organizer Guide now available!
The AITC, ITC, and Coach Organizer Guides are now combined into one guide. All charts with the incomes and expenses are clearly visible, as well as the organizer task list before, during and after the training. This will help Centers to stay organized.
Quality is everything. To ensure the Assistant and Instructor candidates are trained properly, it is important they receive the course content in color (exception are made only where it is costly or not possible). IKO will verify that the guides are printed in color by the feedback sent from the candidates at the end of the course.
To control and improve the quality of the Assistant Trainer course, only ONE Assistant Trainer can be trained during an Assistant Trainer course, given there is at least 2 Assistant candidates. The Assistant Trainer course is no longer the responsibility of the school. Assistant Trainers need to contact the IKO to schedule their course. It is highly recommended to follow an AITC as an observer before doing the real ATTC. Expect this procedure to become mandatory before the end of 2018.
Assistant Course
The AITC-Plus will be renamed and simplified to AITC. We will push that all websites will be updated accordingly. This course has been a major success of the IKO in 2017. Many candidates have provided positives feedback about it. We are now working to update the manual with the feedback we have received from both Candidates and the Examiner team. We plan to release an updated version in Spring 2018.
Note that now Assistant candidates are required to be a kiteboarder Level 4 or equivalent instead of being level 3N. This will help candidates be better prepared for the course.
Instructor Course
Printed copies of the kiteboarder handbooks are no longer included in the ITC pack. The handbook are now available free for all Instructors with a valid membership as eBook on the IKO app. ITC candidates will now receive IKO merchandise and 5 certification credits after their course. Certification cards will disappear as Virtual Card (Vcard) on the IKO App will become more popular. Instructor Level 1 can now teach up to the kiteboarder Level 4 and certify their students online.
Final update and reminder
During pro courses, every candidates must wear a helmet during beach exercises/workshops/teaching practices as well as a buoyancy aid when in the water. Additionally, remember that every Assistant Instructor, Instructor, Assistant Trainer and Examiner must also connect their leash to the front/side part of their harness at all times. This is a global effort to give the proper image and example to current and future students.
Thank you for reading and understanding,
If any questions please do not hesitate to contact us,
Windy Regards,