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Over a decade ago, we had a vision of getting anyone from zero experience to an independent kiteboarder. Safety and efficiency were at the forefront of our ways! To date, IKO has certified thousands of Instructors around the globe and those Instructors combined have helped hundreds of thousands of individuals become kiteboarders!
IKO Instructors have a very important role as they are the gatekeepers to getting someone into the kite world! Instructors teach and guide individuals through the progression so that they can become a confident independent kiteboarder!
The progression is based on the feedback loop principle where the Instructor and Student interact continuously. With this continuous feedback, the Instructor can help fine tune his teaching method exactly to the students' most efficient way of learning while still following the IKO step by step progression.
Psychology plays a big role in the progression. During our pro courses, Instructors learn the in-depth ways of how to properly motivate, instruct and understand any individual.
Since the beginning, the core teaching principles of the IKO have stayed the same! As times goes on we will continue to evolve and improve accordingly.
Haven’t yet learned to kiteboard? Check out our website to find an IKO Center near you.
If you are already a kiter and want to turn your passion into a part or full-time career because you love the lifestyle and sport; make sure to look into our training calendar to join the team and become a certified IKO Instructor!