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IKO Centers and Instructors are now bombarded with an array of choices when it comes down to what equipment to teach on. The right choice of kite, line length, and control bar will enhance student's safety, fun, comfort and progression curve!
Over the last decade, we have been fine tuning our policies when it comes to what equipment is ideal to be used during classes. We strongly believe that IKO Instructors and Centers should be focused on choosing a kite size that is matched accordingly to the exercise level, the weather conditions, and the student’s weight.
The kite should be easy to relaunch and not overpowering the student at any time while on land and/or during the first attempts of water-start. The IKO Center should have control bars with both short and long lines to match the student's level of understanding and control skills. It is very important that the bar has the re-ride safety system on one front line or use a 5th line, a functioning quick release system and the kite leash has a quick release.
As a student, when you were learning did your Instructor follow these guidelines?
As an Instructor, have you been following these guidelines? If not, why? Is there anything else you think is essential on this aspect and you would like to share?