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Virginie Rochette: A Journey of Passion, Dedication, and Adventure in the World of Kitesurfing.
Exploring the World of Kitesurfing with Virginie.
In the dynamic world of water sports, kitesurfing stands out as an exciting sport that connects with nature and offers incredible adventures, attracting enthusiasts from every corner of the globe. Behind the beauty and adrenaline of this discipline often lies a unique personal story, a journey of discovery, teaching, and passion. Virginie, new IKO Examiner, is the perfect example; her story perfectly embodies the fusion of adventure, passion, and dedication. Through her eyes, smile, and stories, we tell you how beautiful and fascinating the world of kitesurfing can be. Let yourself be inspired!
“I have always been a passionate enthusiast of sports, but especially board sports!”
The Virginie's Journey into Kitesurfing.
Virginie took her first steps into the world of sports from a young age. Hailing from Grenoble, amidst the majestic French Alps, she cultivated her passion for board sports and nature from a tender age. Her love for snowboarding led her to tackle snowy peaks, while the allure of wind and water drew her towards windsurfing. It was during a day out on the lake, watching her snowboarding friends take up kitesurfing, that the desire to try this new sport ignited within her. Despite warnings from her male friends, who deemed kitesurfing too dangerous for a girl, Virginie embraced the challenge with determination and embarked on her journey into the world of kitesurfing.
“My male friends told me that I was a girl, so I shouldn't try because it was difficult and dangerous. However, their words only further fueled my motivation, and I promptly booked a package of kitesurfing lessons. Hahaha! Back then the equipment was quite different, and I began learning with a 2-line kite and a directional board with foot straps...despite being a beginner, I managed to cross the pond on the first attempt, but I didn't really know how to stop!
The Decision to Embrace Kitesurfing Professionally.
An encounter with a kitesurfing instructor during a trip to Egypt proved to be a pivotal moment for Virginie. Attracted by the idea of turning her passion into a career and with the desire to explore the world following the wind and doing what she loved, she made the life-changing decision to pursue certification as an IKO Instructor.
“I decided to take the IKO Instructor Course (ITC - Instructor Training Course) to see how it was, and then I took one year out of my job to put it into practice and start traveling.”
She traveled the world's coastlines, including those of the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Brazil, and Cape Verde, immersing herself in diverse cultures, encountering new challenges, and accumulating invaluable experiences along the way.
From Passionate Kiter to IKO Examiner.
After years of teaching and dedicating herself to kitesurfing, Virginie achieved a new milestone by becoming an IKO Examiner. Her journey to this prestigious role was marked by challenges and sacrifices, but also by unwavering determination; for this reason, it was even more satisfying. From managing a kitesurfing school in Brazil to organizing IKO professional courses, Virginie has demonstrated extraordinary passion and commitment to promoting and developing kitesurfing.
“It hasn't been easy; it's been a long and difficult process, with hours and hours of study and training. But it was worth it, and now I’m looking forward to putting all this knowledge into practice on my own!”
Promoting Kitesurfing in Brazil and Beyond.
As an IKO Examiner, Virginie aims to promote and advance the sport of kitesurfing, focusing particularly on her efforts in Brazil, where she strives to foster its growth and development within the local community. In a country with many kitesurfing schools and instructors, her goal is to maintain high standards of education and safety, motivating potential kiters to obtain IKO certification. Leveraging her experience and dedication, Virginie aims to cultivate new kitesurfing enthusiasts and encourage female involvement in this captivating sport. Additionally, she aims to tackle the challenges faced by Brazilian kiters who encounter economic and logistical obstacles in their journey to become IKO Instructors.
"Sometimes it can be difficult for them to envision their future, plan their time, and investment, so I’m providing various payment and organization solutions."
Thrilling Moments and Adventures as an IKO Instructor.
Throughout her journey as an IKO Instructor, Virginie has experienced many memorable moments. 'I have a lot of stories!' she exclaims, with many students leaving a lasting memory. However, what truly brings her satisfaction in her work is witnessing her students progress in kitesurfing, especially when they start with no experience. After all, seeing their excitement as they conquer new skills and overcome challenges is the ultimate reward for her dedication and passion. This is one of the most beautiful things for an IKO Instructor, this is the #ikoinstructorlifestyle.
Unraveling Lagoinha: A Kitesurfer's Paradise in Ceara, Brazil.
For Virginie, Lagoinha in Ceara, Brazil, represents the perfect spot for kitesurfing. With its vast pristine beach and the tranquility of Jegue Lagoon, it provides a picturesque environment for kiters of all levels to enjoy exciting kitesurfing sessions and moments of peace in nature.
“My favorite spot is, of course, Lagoinha in Ceara, Brazil, where I live. It boasts a vast and uncrowded beach with stunning scenery, including the picturesque Jegue Lagoon. This lagoon offers buttery flat, shallow freshwater and enjoys a consistent wind for seven to eight months of the year. It's ideal for teaching and practicing unhooked freestyle, my favorite discipline. In the tranquil waters, there are usually few other kiters at the end of the day, with approximately ten hours of wind and sunshine daily. The natural landscape is breathtaking, especially during sunset when you may be fortunate enough to witness both the sun setting and the moon rising simultaneously—a truly unforgettable experience!”
Virginie's Perspective: The Thrills and Challenges of Becoming an IKO Instructor.
Virginie believes that becoming an IKO Instructor is an incredibly rewarding experience. For her, the job is not just a source of income but an opportunity to live her passion, meet different people, and create special bonds. She believes that teaching kitesurfing can truly change the lives of students and loves the idea of sharing her knowledge in paradisiacal locations around the world. Despite the difficulties and challenges inherent in being an IKO Instructor, Virginie firmly believes that this profession offers unparalleled opportunities for both personal and professional growth.
"Especially for women, kitesurfing doesn't necessarily require strength or weight; it's more about technique (and good lessons from the beginning). Of course, you have to be (or become) a sporty person, but it's more accessible than it seems, and women make excellent IKO Instructors. We generally have a natural compassion for our students, patience, and professionalism, which are essential for this job (often we have more of it than men). We must establish ourselves from the start by being pragmatic and professional, teaching both men and women.
The world of kitesurfing needs more female IKO kitesurfers, assistants, instructors, coaches, and Assistant Trainers, and I hope that my new status as an IKO Examiner inspires more women to follow in my footsteps!"
Exploring the Essence of Kitesurfing: Virginie's Journey.
Virginie's journey into the world of kitesurfing is a captivating exploration of passion, determination, and adventure. Through her story, we can grasp the essence of this fascinating sport and its ability to transform lives and inspire future generations. Whether teaching beginners or examining aspiring IKO Instructors, Virginie continues to embody the core values of IKO Instructor: passion, safety, and dedication to her craft.
Author: Marica Moda
How IKO Instructors Can Convert Their Certification with OPES (Organization for Sports Education) Recognized by CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee).
Guide to Converting IKO Kitesurf Instructor Certification to OPES/CONI Certification - Sailing Instructor, discipline DV005 - Kiteboarding, according to the requirements of the National Sports Qualifications System SNaQ.
IKO assists you in navigating the steps to obtain the dual certification IKO - OPES/CONI and pursue the profession of Kitesurf Instructor in Italy.
Why obtain the dual certification IKO - OPES/CONI?
The conversion opportunity is open to all certified kitesurf instructors, whether Italian or foreign, working in Italy. Its aim is to improve the quality of sports education and ensure greater professionalism and economic fairness in the world of kitesurfing.
This dual certification ensures that kitesurf instructors have the necessary skills to teach effectively and safely, offering the opportunity for regular employment within sports associations and/or kitesurf schools, and ensuring stable income and associated labor rights.
CONI, OPES, and IKO together in Promoting Sports in Italy.
The Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) is the national body responsible for the promotion and organization of Olympic sports.
OPES (Organization for Sports Education) is a sports promotion organization recognized by CONI. It collaborates closely with CONI and international organizations like IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) to promote physical education and sports in Italy.
OPES is committed to converting IKO Kitesurf Instructor certifications to OPES/CONI certifications and recognizes the teaching provided by IKO as of a high standard. Thus, OPES enables the conversion of instructors' diplomas issued by IKO Examiners into OPES/CONI diplomas.
This collaboration is essential to ensure a professional and safe sports system for all.
Towards a Safer and Professional Sports Future: Optimism and Collaboration between IKO - OPES/CONI.
The goal is to improve the quality and safety of sports education in Italy, building a more solid and professional future for the kitesurfing world in Italy, in compliance with local regulations.
Thanks to the collaboration between IKO and OPES/CONI, the procedure for converting the IKO certification to OPES/CONI certification is straightforward, affordable, and can be carried out by all IKO Instructors wishing to work in kitesurf schools in Italy that are part of the same association.
Do you want to become an IKO Instructor and work in Italy? Here's how your IKO certification will be converted into an OPES/CONI certification.
The procedure to obtain the dual certification is as follows:
- At the end of the IKO course ITC (Instructor Training Course), the organizer will compile a form with the data of instructor candidates who have successfully completed the course, qualifying as IKO Kitesurf Instructors Level 1.
- The form will be countersigned by the course's responsible IKO Examiner.
- The form will be sent to the OPES central membership office, which will issue the certifications at a cost of €25.00 per diploma.
- All candidates who successfully complete the IKO Instructor Course - ITC L1 will receive the National Diploma as Kitesurf Instructor OPES/CONI - Sailing Instructor, discipline DV005 - Kiteboarding, according to the requirements of the National Sports Qualifications System SNaQ.
If you are already an IKO Instructor, Italian or foreign, and want to work in Italy, here are the steps to follow.
For already certified IKO Instructors who want to work in Italy, it is possible to directly request the conversion of their IKO Kitesurf Instructor certification from OPES/CONI, obtaining the National Diploma as Kitesurf Instructor OPES/CONI - Sailing Instructor, discipline DV005 - Kiteboarding, according to the requirements of the National Sports Qualifications System SNaQ.
The procedure requires filling out a form, paying an annual fee to OPES/CONI, and submitting the necessary documentation. Once the conversion is completed, the OPES/CONI certification will be issued.
The steps to follow are:
- Fill out the conversion application form downloadable from the IKO/OPES website. You can find the request form here: OPES/IKO Conversion.
- Attach your IKO Kitesurf Instructor certification to the email.
- Attach the receipt of payment of the annual fee paid to OPES/CONI, currently €15.00: payment to be made by bank transfer to O.P.E.S. - Organizzazione Per l’Educazione allo Sport - Via Salvatore Quasimodo, 129 – 00144 ROME.
- Cod IBAN: IT11L0538703208000001088781 – BIC/SWIFT: BPMOIT22XXX
- Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna
- Specify in the reason for payment: "conversion IKO/OPES name and surname".
- Send all documentation to the following email address:
- OPES/CONI will issue the new certification.
It should be noted that the OPES/CONI equivalence applies only to IKO Instructors with a valid certificate. If the IKO certificate has expired, the OPES/CONI equivalence will not be valid, but you can attend an IRC course (Kitesurf Instructor Reinstatement Course) for reinstatement.
The agreement, in force since 2020, has an annual duration and is tacitly renewed in the following years.
The national contact person for OPES/CONI for maintaining relations with IKO is Andrea Frateiacci.
Some Italian IKO Centers offer certification conversion to their instructor candidates.
To facilitate instructor candidates, some Italian IKO Centers offer to cover the cost of converting the IKO - OPES/CONI certification for their candidates, including it in the cost of the professional ITC course (Instructor Training Course).
To ensure that the certification conversion is included, contact directly the IKO Center where you will attend the professional instructor course (ITC - Instructor Training Course).
Joint Commitment.
This collaboration represents a significant step towards a safer, more professional, and fairer sports future for kitesurfing in Italy.
This joint commitment to excellence in sports education reflects the determination to promote high standards in the sector, ensuring a professional and safe environment for all kitesurfing enthusiasts in Italy.
The owner of IKO Center Kitescontrol in Poland, Paweł Kocięcki, was recently certified as an IKO Examiner. We met up with him to discuss his career as a kitesurf instructor and his journey through the IKO pro training path.
How did you get into kitesurfing?
Paweł: I was born on the Polish seaside, so you can say that water sports run in my blood. When I was a kid, my parents introduced me to windsurfing. The entire family got hooked up with this sport pretty quickly and we started spending our summers on the Hel Peninsula. Despite the name, it is actually a Polish heaven for water sports, with a massive shallow bay and kilometers of white sandy beaches. At some stage, we were reunited with my uncle, who turned out to be a pioneer of kitesurfing in Poland and one of the first people running around on the beach with a “crazy parachute”. It was 2004 when I started my kitesurfing adventure. When kitesurfing equipment improved, it finally became possible for me to kitesurf whenever there were good wind conditions, without wasting time on setting up gear. It was also much easier to get to the kiting spot. The extraordinary power when the kite pulls you and the feeling of freedom that jumping gives you made me fall in love with the sport right away.
Tell us about your favorite kite spot or kite experience.
Paweł: The season in Poland lasts only a few months and my hunger for kitesurfing grew after each session. Soon I started to travel all over the world looking for the perfect spots, where I could develop my kitesurfing skills. At that time, I was visiting Italy, Greece, Egypt, Morocco, to finally travel to Venezuela in 2006 - the best place to improve and practice freestyle (El Coche and Playa La Punta). I was astonished with perfectly flat water and no tides there. One year later, I finished the IKO Instructor Training Course (ITC) and as an IKO instructor, I started to share my passion with others in different locations including Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. Recent years have brought a change in my preferences and I’m getting more into kitesurfing on waves.
Why did you decide to become a kitesurf instuctor?
Paweł: Around 2007/2008, while spending some time at my home spot, I realized that kitesurfing trainings offered there could be improved, especially in terms of safety, quality and professional preparation of instructors. Having gathered experience around the world, I decided to become a kitesurf instructor and open my own kitesurfing school in 2008 (Kitescontrol). I dreamed of a place, where not only future kitesurfers, but also good kitesurf instructors are trained. Since then, nothing has changed in terms of the school’s mission and values that we represent at Kitescontrol. I want to share my passion in the most professional way possible, ensuring that people feel safe and have fun while learning.
Why did you become an IKO Examiner?
Paweł: Kitesurfing for 17 years and being an owner of kitesurfing school for 13 years, I met a lot of people who wanted to teach kitesurfing. Looking at different teaching standards (and sometimes lack of standards) among instructors, I always wanted them to teach kitesurfing in a smart way. For example, teach using proper and safe techniques and according to the best standards. This level of teaching standardization is provided by the IKO, where many people are involved to provide high quality trainings. This is why my kitesurfing school became an IKO Center and I became IKO Assistant Trainer. The goal of improving quality and safety of teaching drove me to become an IKO Examiner.
IKO Examiners have the opportunity to visit new places, meet new people and share experience and knowledge. Each journey is a good lesson, it forces us to leave our comfort zone, we are then becoming better observers and we notice things others may not see. As IKO Examiners, we are there to help others make their spots safer. Using shared knowledge we can significantly improve local kitesurfing training systems. I am happy that as an IKO Examiner I can make sure that the kitesurfing family grows and learning kitesurfing is fast, fun and safe.
How has this career affected your life?
Paweł: My whole professional career is basically related to kitesurfing. Becoming an IKO Examiner will now allow me to further share my skills, knowledge and teaching techniques and I am super excited about that opportunity. I am extremely proud to see instructors who follow IKO teaching rules and standards and happy to see their students succeed later on the spot. I would like for the kitesurfing global family to continue to grow and have more and more people hooked on this great sport.
What advice would you give to your colleagues?
Paweł: Don’t compromise on safety, deliver high quality trainings and don’t do things like everyone else does them. Remember to look around, be a good observer, open-minded to new knowledge, and don’t push back on constructive feedback. Also, don’t forget to stay enthusiastic, salty and have fun!
The 9th edition of the Kite Fest of Pointe-aux-Outardes was held last 27-29 July 2018 at Pointe-aux-Outardes Park in this magnificent region of Quebec with its white sand dunes.
In the past years, the festival has expanded due to the efforts of the director of the Park Mr. Denis Cardinal as well as his staff who are all passionate about nature and surely proud to welcome kiters from all over the province of Quebec who really enjoyed the infinite natural pool.
IKO Progression Kitesurfing School was there to offer discovery courses. Many people had a taste of kitesurfing and benefitted of the professional services of the school with its brand-new gear. It was my pleasure to have taught with the owner of Progression, Mr. Hugo Garon, and to have welcome many people at the IKO kiosk to promote the organization and safety in the sport by offering a free workshop on self-rescue/pack down.
The North Coast of Quebec has several spots suitable for kitesurfing, which is becoming more and more popular among people of all ages.
This 2018 Kite Fest was colorful with kites and a wide range of activities to tease the taste buds of everyone, kiters, and non-kiters. People could try the new fat bikes, try out sea kayaking, SUP, yoga, Zumba, a bubble workshop for the small guest, workshops on astronomy and survival in the forest and guided tours in the wonderful trails of the park.
Bravo Pointe-aux-Outardes! You have charmed many kiters! See you next year!
*There is no IKO commission on bookings. This feature is available for all approved IKO Centers with either a Basic or Plus membership.
We are proud to announce a new feature which allows IKO Centers with Basic or Plus memberships to index kite course packages for Beginner (Kiteboarder Level 1/2/3), Supervision, Advanced (Level 4) as well as Evolution (Level 5).
This is a brand new and unique feature that IKO is offering along with IKO Centers for anybody who wants to learn how to kitesurf or progress further in kiteboarding.
How do you book an IKO recreational kite course?
Select a kite course package
All visitors will be able to search, compare, share, wish-list or book their recreational course packages (base on a number of hours and days) online. To send the booking, they must be a valid IKO kiter member. If they are not a valid IKO member, they will be required to sign up and select one of the three kiter memberships available to finalize their booking.
As a valid kiter member, all IKO’s learning resources will be available including Kiteboarder eBooks series Discovery/Intermediate/Independent, eCourses and learning videos. This means they can start learning online instantly and get prepared for the live course at your Center. -
Your Center receives the booking enquiry
All the client information and booking details are sent to your account. From there you will be in contact with the client directly to take care of payment procedure to finalize the booking.
Set up is less than an hour.
In order to display your kite course packages online, you need to:
Add prices including taxes.
Update additional option:
Home currency. Go to your school profile
Open season to not receive bookings during off season (optional). By default, your season is set all year around. Go to your school details
Spoken languages pre settings for all your recreational course packages. Go to your school profile
Course image. dimension 400 x 300 pixels min.
Your packages will become available online within your school profile and in the Training Calendar immediately. After a week of this announcement, the search bar will show up on the homepage. Make sure to add your course packages now so your offerings are online once the feature goes live!
Not an IKO Basic or Plus Center yet? Upgrade your Center before the 1st of April and instantly save 10% on the membership plan of your choice.
During the last months we have been working to ease accessibility and flow when registering your kite center, offering more front and backend services to existing and new schools as well upgraded the IKO Standards across the board. Read this email carefully and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Easy Affiliation-
The school affiliation form has been translated into six popular languages; Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German, French and English. The form itself has been simplified and is easier than ever to fill out. Compulsory boat requirement for Centers has been removed in some spots when schools can prove that the spot security is organized in a different way. We also released a free affiliation plan to help schools and independent Instructors begin the process with IKO. The primary requirement to register is having a valid insurance for the kiteboarding center.
There are many benefits you obtain once you affiliate your school which includes, though not limited to: The right to use the IKO logo and to advertise as an IKO Center which raises your school’s credibility and value proposition; additionally you can certify your students as they learn, and the perk of boosting your school in online presence due to IKO’s reach online. To top it all, this entry level affiliation is quick, easy and free!
Affiliate your center now
Improved SEO for your IKO Center
This past month we have done some backend changes that will help increase your school's online presence. Additions in country + location to your IKO Center’s URL will help your center be found online. We highly recommend fully completing your IKO profile and asking us for help if needed.
Don’t forget to upload new HD photos to your gallery to give a glimpse into your IKO Center to future students and Instructors!
Update your IKO Center information now
IKO Center Back-End Services Improve-
As an IKO Center, you can now certify students directly on your profile. When hosting Pro Courses, individuals can reserve their spot directly on the website and manage the rest of their booking and payment directly with your Center. Make sure when planning a pro course to check your school profile to see the message from potential candidates.
We are also now working on implementing a new feedback system for IKO Centers to Instructor. We would like to know what rating criteria as a Center would you like to have for your Instructors?
Read how to follow up your bookings
IKO Quality Control Efforts Continue Internationally
Over the years we have encountered and handled many cases of IKO imposters; they have harmed the image of quality across all IKO Centers and Instructors. As a community, we found this unacceptable and have decided to work together to ensure the safe growth and development of the sport. We are now taking new measures coming into effect in January to improve and control the high-quality standard internationally.
Beginning 1st of January 2018, any IKO Instructors that are teaching independently and promoting themselves as a business must register themselves as a business to continue using the IKO name and logos. Any Instructor who is independent and not registered as business risks being sanctioned and issues with the DMCA.
This quality standard update will be an effort to maintain the quality internationally for both IKO Centers and Independent IKO Instructors. Whether you are a Center or Independent you will need valid insurance, up to date IKO status and access to either a boat or safety unit if it applies to your spot.
We have made a free affiliation for both centers and independent Instructors which can be found here. We highly recommend you fill out your affiliation form sooner rather than later to avoid issues.
If you have any questions, comments or recommendations please email us back here.
Windy Regards,
Did you m
Octobers tips had a great response. Instructors got challenged to think about the ideal kite teaching set up, members debated what is the “perfect quiver”, aspiring kiters learned about the IKO teaching concept and everyone got refreshed on the beaufort scale!
If you have missed one or all of these tips check them all out here.
All Kite Terminology in 6 Languages in one document
Every sport has its lingo. IKO has not only taken all of the different terms a kiter might use we also translated them into every language for you!
Check it out the complete dictionary
Beware of imposters: Here is how to identify an IKO Instructors
As the sport grows, new situations may be encountered. Because IKO is established internationally as a company reflecting quality and safety, many individuals will falsely claim that they are an IKO Instructor. A good way to spotting the fakes, is that only valid members appear in the community. Expired Instructors will also not appear under the community site, as they no longer hold the right to certify you.
It is of paramount importance to make sure you are being taught by a valid pro-member to ensure the safety of the course and the certification at the end of the course. The paper certification is not enough, you should receive an email confirmation to be able to rank your Instructor and activate your level online if you lose the card.
It is important that your IKO membership is still valid to be eligible for new member deals, eCourses, and the certifications of your students!
Check out if you are still valid
Windy Regards
IKO Team

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