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Adriatico Wind Club is an ASD affiliated with CONI since 1988, and has been in the kitesurfing business since 2002. It is the only one in the municipality of Ravenna to have 2 kitebeach of which one of 5,000 square meters for the exclusive use of kitesurfing where the AWCKITECENTER school is located (THE ONLY IKO AFFILIATED CENTER IN EMILIA ROMAGNA).In addition to the latter there are also other Three locations, Malua 54 Lido di Spina (KITEZONE 33) Bagno Onda Blu Lido Estensi and Bagno Schiuma Cesenatico , in which operate all year round qualified IKO instructors. It should be noted that certified courses are held for children ages 6 and up. The club's main office is located on the Ravennate coast, and has 15,000 sq. m. of beach area for storage of boats and sailing equipment in general, a building with a bar and restaurant for members, offices locker rooms and bathrooms, and has over 700 members. Thanks to the experience accumulated by the team and the skills expressed by the member athletes, it can be considered among the most active sports clubs nationwide in kitesurfing , windsurfing and catamarans.
Corsi per principianti, Assistenti Istruttori e Istruttori, recupero ore Shadowing. IL Nostro Team : Giorgio Pellacani, Head Instructor L2S; Emanuele Ferri, Instructor L2; Francesco Chirico, instructor L1; Gemma Abbondanti, instructor L1; Gianmarco Battistini,instructor L1; Marco Fortunati, instructor L1; Nicola Felisati, instructor L1; Gianluca Fabbri,instructor L1;Equipment
Tra i Brand piu prestigiosi a livello internazionale come SLINGSHOT, Mystic,Rideengine, Moses ecc.Best Season
Tutto l'anno In prevalenza da MARZO a OTTOBRE.Facilities
- Retail shop
- Bar/Restaurant
- Wifi
- Powerboat Course
- Teaching from a boat
- Children’s Lessons
School Training Courses
Recreational Courses
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Professional Courses
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