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Three Stretches you can do after your kite session!
Last year we gave a few tips regarding stretching. Stretching helps people of all ages and is recommended for everyone whether a kite surfer or not.
Actively stretching before an activity helps warm up the body and decreases the risk of injury during the activity. Stretching after your activity will help relieve muscle soreness and aid in recovery. The benefits of stretching are abundant and the debate of whether to stretch is off the table as the science proves the benefits of proper stretching.
This week we want to share three easy stretches that can easily be done after a kite session!
“Cobra” This stretch is done lying down on a flat surface. It is a great stretch to open up the chest and really elongate the abdominal muscles.
“Downward Facing Dog” This stretch will not only stretch you though also help strengthen you. It is done on your hands and feet and will help stretch your arms, shoulders and calf muscles.
“Low Lunge” This stretch is one of the most important as it stretches all the psoas muscle group. This muscle group is basically what connects and holds up your body. If you have knee pain, lower back pain and or postural problems - this could be because of a tightness in your psoas muscle group.
We have included a photo of "Low Lunge" and recommend if any further questions to consult a professional locally near you.
There is not one right way to stretch as everybody's body is different. If you are performing a stretch and feel intense pain-stop doing that stretch and find other alternatives that can work for you.
We are interested to read in the comments below your favorite exercises and stretches for before and after a kite session!
Windy Regards,