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Do you really need kitesurfing lessons?
Many activities and sports you can usually pick it up and go after some trial and error + quick pointers. Kitesurfing is completely different. Many people ask “Do I really need kitesurfing lessons?” and the answer is yes! You absolutely need kitesurfing lessons to become an Independent Kitesurfer.
Having a professional kiteboarding Instructor by your side will help you learn the theoretical and practical aspects of this extreme sport. This is something people overlook… Kiteboarding is an extreme sport which is why it is recommended to learn properly with a trained professional.
Think about it this way; would you learn to skydive by yourself or take a course? We hope like the majority, you would take the course. This same logic applies to kitesurfing!
It is important to take your time when learning the sport as the goal with taking lessons is to become an Independent kiteboarder. An independent kiteboarder is self-sufficient. They are confident, know their equipment and the safety systems, understand the kiteboarding rules, can body drag, re-launch, self rescue if need be and ride upwind holding their own ground.
Becoming an independent kiteboarder is where the true adventure begins. From this point on, it is all about having a great time out in the water with fellow kiters, friends, family and yourself.
You will realize that their are no two kiteboarding sessions alike. Every day will be a new experience and this is why so many fall in love with the sport.
If you are planning to become a kiteboarder remember to take lessons; ideally with a trained professional for best results.
In the comment section below - share with us your experience and tag the person who taught you how to kite!