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Carbon vs Non-Carbon board? Which is best for you?
When kiteboarders progress and begin building up their kite quiver, one of the many common questions that arises is if they should get a carbon or non-carbon board? Truth is, there is no right or wrong answer really. Some can benefit from carbon more than others.
The biggest difference people associate with carbon vs non carbon is price. Carbon boards are usually more expensive than non-carbon boards whether twin tip, foil board or surfboard though do not let this fool you thinking that a carbon board will be better for you just because it cost more.
One of the main advantages with carbon boards is the weight reduction. Carbon boards are significantly lighter which has advantages. A lighter board helps maneuverability; whether it is handling the board on land or in the water. Many surfboard freestyle and wave kiters have began using carbon surfboards due to the weight reduction over standard surfboards.
Another pro that also happens to be a con for some is the stiffness of carbon. Carbon boards are generally stiffer than non carbon boards. This stiffness can help riders have an engaged and predictable feeling with the board though this stiffness can also hurt the rider. If a kiter suffers from knee or back problems riding a carbon board will make you feel the choppiness of the water and have harder impacts when jumping or doing tricks. This will lead to injuries or hotter sessions due to discomfort.
The two main factors when deciding whether to choose carbon vs non carbon is weight reduction and stiffness. If you are someone who is not particularly strong and want to easily move the board around whether on land or water or are trying to improve on your freestyle surfboard tricks, riding light winds with twin tip or foil racing then you might want to consider carbon equipment. If you are someone who has knee and or back problems or discomfort - stay away from carbon. Do not be confused; just because it is more expensive does not mean it will be better for you.
We could list more pros and cons of carbon vs non-carbon though we want to hear about your thoughts and personal experience. What do you ride and why would you recommend someone a carbon board over a non-carbon board (and vice versa)? Looking forward to hearing what you have to say in the comments section below!