Kiteboarder - Wave Riding Course
For those who are constantly battling waves
You are in constant battle with the waves, don't really like them and want to change that; whether its overcoming them on your twin tip or learning to ride a surfboard and surf them! The wave riding course will help you conquer and understand waves both on a twin tip or surfboard. This action packed course will teach you how to ride in waves, perform important maneuvers like jibes, bottom turns, snaps and much more!
12 years
For younger students, the Instructor must follow the online course "Teaching to Children"
1 hours
Depending on student's knowledge, weather conditions during the course, spot configuration ( flat? shallow? waves? ...)
Level 5
Achieved Skills and certification levels

Level 5 - Wave riding
1 - Wave and current analysis
2 - Pass the shore break
3 - Exit the water with shore break
4 - S-turns
5 - Jibe
6 - Jump on a wave
7 - Bottom turn / off the lip
8 - Ride on waves over 1m (all previous skills)
9 - Floater
10 - Snap back
11 - Tack
12 - Ride on waves over 2m (all previous skills)
13 - Downwinder on waves
14 - Pass the shore break strapless
15 - Exit the water with shore break strapless
16 - S-turns strapless
17 - Jibe strapless
18 - Bottom turn / off the lip strapless
19 - Ride on waves over 1m (all previous skills) strapless
20 - Floater strapless
21 - Snap back strapless
22 - Tack strapless
23 - Ride on waves over 2m (all previous skills) strapless
24 - Downwinder on waves strapless
25 - Jump on a wave strapless