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Are you snacking before/during/after kiteboarding?
Does your car function without gasoline or nowadays electricity? The answer is no. You must imagine your body as a vehicle and a tool that needs regular maintenance and fuel to operate properly!
Food is our fuel! We have mentioned in previous blogs having an overall healthy diet is key to longevity, top performance and a step towards a happy life! We could talk for hours and days about tips, tricks, do’s and don’ts, proper nutrition though today we will focus on how to snack to our advantage when kiteboarding (also relates to any exercise)!
When kiteboarding, it is always recommended to have water on hand to stay hydrated as our body can survive without food for 3 weeks and only 3 days without water! We do not recommend testing either of these as it will be extremely unpleasant and detrimental to your health.
Water checked. Now, what about food? We do not recommend doing high intensity exercise without fueling up two hours in advance. If you eat heavy before exercise you will most likely feel heavy, tired, get cramps and even possibly feel sick during the exercise.
Once you have eaten two hours out you should be ready for any challenge coming your way! If you are exercising for under an hour you won't have to worry about snacking up though if you are planning to exercise for extended periods of time at high intensity we would recommend you use snacks wisely to stay fueled up.
Staying hydrated and eating small amounts of light simple foods such as raisins, nuts, dried fruits or a banana, can help you stay energized throughout the exercise or session. After you are done exercising drink fluids such as water or 100% juices. Within the first hour it would be good to consume proteins and carbohydrates so your body can use that energy to help with recovery.
Getting in the habit of eating accordingly and snacking when appropriate will help you perform at a higher level longer.
Are you staying hydrated and snacking before/during or after kiting? What's your favorite snack?