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Assistant Trainer
Assistant Trainer
Are you an Instructor Level 3 and have at least 24 years old? You enjoy teaching kiteboarding and are looking for a way to increase your revenue with your passion?
The IKO is looking for the next generation of Assistant Trainers. All Instructors Level 3 can apply to an Assistant Trainer Training Course (ATTC).
- Run IKO Assistant Training Course (ATC) with up to 8 candidates
Earn up to USD 1,720 in 5 days or USD 215 per candidate
Apply to become Examiner (once you have run 10 ATC with a total of at least 40 candidates)
Access to open job listings on the IKO Website
Post seeking employment ads viewable to IKO Centers
Post personal profile info online, which is viewable via the general public website
Receive customer feedback that results in an international instructor ranking
- Be at least 24 years old.
- Be an Instructor Level 3 for a minimum of one year and teach actively.
- Teach a minimum of 150 students and log at least 1,200 hours of teaching time, including those logged as an Instructor L1, L2, and L3.
- Must have passed a First Aid and CPR course in the past two years
- Have 10 points in your Pro account at the time of candidature and during training.
- Have valid professional insurance for kitesurfing.
- Send a one-hour video of yourself teaching a Discovery course (including self-landing).
- Pass the ATC Module 1 final exam one month prior to the candidature with a minimum score of 95%.
- Be approved for ATTC by the IKO Office. Non-approved ATTC will be void.
- ATTC 1: Follow one ATC as an observer (confirmed by the Assistant Trainer) after being approved by the IKO Office. (Non-approved training will be void.)
- Pass the ATTC 2 and 3 with an Examiner (in the event of failure, ATTC 3 candidates will have to pass an ATTC 4). The failure to ATTC 4 will lead to a re-evaluation of the candidature as Assistant Trainer by the Training and Quality Department.
- Candidates who meet all the pre-requisites MUST contact the IKO Office to receive details about the course. The IKO Office will then confirm (or not) the course to the candidate and Examiner.
- Candidates self-evaluate and decide to participate in the course. If they do not feel ready, it is advised to postpone the course.
Training Procedure
Once the IKO Head Office has approved your candidature, the Assistant Trainer candidate must complete at least three ATTCs (Assistant Trainer Training Course; ATTC 1 can be done with an Assistant Trainer or an Examiner. The ATTC 2 and 3 must be done with an Examiner).
ATTC 1 – Observation week
During the ATTC 1, the candidate will observe the ATC run by an Assistant Trainer or an Examiner. The point of this week is to refresh their knowledge, ask the Assistant Trainer as many questions as possible on tricks and tips to run an ATC (during breaks so as not to disturb the ATC), and to help and assist the Assistant Trainer with the group—especially during practical exercises.
The minimum number of Assistant candidates to confirm an ATTC 1 is four.
Once the ATTC 1 is completed, the Assistant Trainer candidate must attend the ATTC 2 within one year or the ATTC 1 will be void and must redone to be valid.
During ATTC 2 (during which the candidate will be trained only with an Examiner), the candidate will be required to become more hands-on than they were in ATTC 1. They must run some parts of the ATC themselves to build confidence as a future Assistant Trainer. They will coordinate with the Examiner regarding which parts they will run and which parts they still prefer to observe. During breaks and in the evening, the Examiner will help them prepare for the next part of the ATC.
The minimum number of Assistant candidates to confirm an ATTC 2 is five.
This is the last step of the certification. The Examiner and Assistant Trainer candidate will prepare the lessons for the following day of the ATC in the mornings and evenings before and after each lesson. The objective is to ensure that the Assistant Trainer candidate runs the ATC on his own with the Examiner shadowing. The ATC must be run according to the IKO Standards in order for candidates to be certified.
The minimum number of Assistant candidates to confirm an ATTC 3 is five.
If the candidate fails the ATTC 3, they must attend an ATTC 4 to be certified.
Important note: the maximum time between two Assistant Trainer Training Courses (ATTC) is one year, no matter if it is ATTC 1, 2, 3 or 4. If more than one year has passed, the Assistant Trainer candidate will have to restart the course from the beginning.
Training Cost
The ATTC 1 is free. The cost of the ATTC 2 and 3 (and eventually 4) is $700 per ATTC. This includes $200 of IKO fees (for each ATTC) that must be paid as soon as the ATTC is confirmed with the organizer and Examiner, so candidates can get access to the course content.