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Instructor Membership Renewal
Maintain exclusive yearly benefits with IKO
As a professional Instructor, you surely understand that the sport of kiteboarding is growing and evolving fast, as well as the teaching techniques, the knowledge and the standards of quality endorsed by IKO. Your membership helps support our constant efforts to keep the highest standards of safety and quality for the practice, learning and teaching of kiteboarding.
Benefits of being an IKO Instructor

Be Professional: Achieve the highest level of competency as an Instructor with IKO, the most acknowledged and established kiteboarding certification worldwide.

Be Recognized: Get value for your experience and progress in your instructor career with the rating and ranking system that highlight your student’s feedbacks.

Certify your student: Set yourself apart with the kiteboarder certifications and the student feedbacks displayed in your profile.

Get Work: Access work opportunities worldwide in more than 200 IKO centers and showcase your experience on our job search and offer platform.

Network: Be part of the biggest (and still growing) community of kiteboarding professionals and enthusiasts from all corners of the world.

Get Deals: Get your hands on various members-only industry’s insider deals on kite gear and travel.

Learn: All the IKO knowledge and educational content available to you for use as an Instructor or to sharpen your skills in advanced disciplines.

Be Specialized: Distinguish yourself from other Instructors by following eCourses like Head Instructor, Teaching to children and Teaching to student with health conditions.

Grow: Progress in your career as an Instructor with the leveling system and the access to trainer opportunities (Assistant Trainer, Examiner).

Invest in kiteboarding: be part of a movement for a safe and sustainable development of your sport with IKO.

Affiliate: Have your own school recognized as an IKO Center for free after completing the affiliation process
Instructor Membership
Maintain Exclusive Yearly Benefits With IKO
Active Members: Log in to get your prorated price >>>
Display your qualification, student feedback and teaching hours on IKO website
Protects you against claims while you work in an IKO Center (exception in the USA & Canada)
Teach at hundreds of IKO Centers located across the world
Assistant and Instructor manual updates
From discovery to advanced
60+ minutes of tutorial videos
Access all kiteboarder eCourses
Make a job request and find a job worldwide
Purchase IKO products and improve your branding
Instructor Membership
Maintain Exclusive Yearly Benefits With IKO
Active Members: Log in to get your prorated price >>>
Display your qualification, student feedback and teaching hours on IKO website
Protects you against claims while you kite
Protects you against claims while you work except in the USA & Canada
Covers you in the event of death, disability or rescue
Teach at hundreds of IKO Centers located across the world
Assistant and Instructor manual updates
From discovery to advanced
60+ minutes of tutorial videos
Make a job request and find a job worldwide
Limited to 3 applications
Get steep discounts on new gear
Purchase IKO products and improve your branding
Display your qualification, student feedback and teaching hours
Protects you against claims while you kite
Protects you against claims while you work except in the USA & Canada
Covers you in the event of death, disability or rescue
Teach at hundreds of IKO Centers located across the world
Assistant and Instructor manual updates
From discovery to advanced
60+ minutes of tutorial videos
Make a job request and find a job worldwide
Get steep discounts on new gear
Purchase IKO products and improve your branding
Display your qualification, student feedback and teaching hours
Protects you against claims while you kite
Protects you against claims while you work except in the USA & Canada
Covers you in the event of death, disability or rescue
Teach at hundreds of IKO Centers located across the world
Assistant and Instructor manual updates
From discovery to advanced
60+ minutes of tutorial videos
Make a job request and find a job worldwide
Get steep discounts on new gear
Purchase IKO products and improve your branding
How can I renew my membership?

Log in to your account on the IKO website and click on the “Renew/Upgrade” orange button on the homepage of your profile. If you get an error message when renewing your membership, check the FAQs below.

Choose your membership according to your needs and follow the procedure to pay via Paypal or bank transfer. Set up your automatic renewal to have your membership renew automatically every year.

As soon as the payment is received, you can check that your expiry date has been extended by 1 year and that your status is set to “Active”. You are now good to go again!
FAQ See all
Log in to your account on the IKO website to find your expiry date on the homepage of your profile. Renew before your expiry date to avoid losing your licence to teach and all the benefits of being an IKO Assistant/Instructor.
You can pay with a credit card, bank transfer, or PayPal.
Next time that you renew your membership, choose “Automatic renewal with Paypal”. This will enable a recurring payment every year on your expiry date. Make sure that your Paypal account has funds.
From the day that your membership expires, you are no longer recognized as an IKO Instructor which means that you lose your license to teach and all the benefits associated with being a member of IKO including insurance coverage..
If you leave your membership expired for more than 2 months, you will have to pay late fees of $40 USD on top of your membership. Late fees encourage members to renew on time and cover additional administrative work involved in late renewals. The late fee will extend your membership by one year after the payment date where as the regular membership renewal extends your membership by one year after the current expiry date.
If you leave your membership expired for more than 12 months, you will have to pass an online exam corresponding to your certification level with a score higher than 70% to be able to renew. Late fees will apply on top of the membership renewal.
If you leave your membership expired for more than 2 years, you will have to attend an Instructor Reinstaitment Course (IRC) to be reactivated.
Instructor Membership
Maintain Exclusive Yearly Benefits With IKO
Active Members: Log in to get your prorated price >>>
Display your qualification, student feedback and teaching hours on IKO website
Protects you against claims while you work in an IKO Center (exception in the USA & Canada)
Teach at hundreds of IKO Centers located across the world
Assistant and Instructor manual updates
From discovery to advanced
60+ minutes of tutorial videos
Access all kiteboarder eCourses
Make a job request and find a job worldwide
Purchase IKO products and improve your branding
Instructor Membership
Maintain Exclusive Yearly Benefits With IKO
Active Members: Log in to get your prorated price >>>
Display your qualification, student feedback and teaching hours on IKO website
Protects you against claims while you kite
Protects you against claims while you work except in the USA & Canada
Covers you in the event of death, disability or rescue
Teach at hundreds of IKO Centers located across the world
Assistant and Instructor manual updates
From discovery to advanced
60+ minutes of tutorial videos
Make a job request and find a job worldwide
Limited to 3 applications
Get steep discounts on new gear
Purchase IKO products and improve your branding
Display your qualification, student feedback and teaching hours
Protects you against claims while you kite
Protects you against claims while you work except in the USA & Canada
Covers you in the event of death, disability or rescue
Teach at hundreds of IKO Centers located across the world
Assistant and Instructor manual updates
From discovery to advanced
60+ minutes of tutorial videos
Make a job request and find a job worldwide
Get steep discounts on new gear
Purchase IKO products and improve your branding
Display your qualification, student feedback and teaching hours
Protects you against claims while you kite
Protects you against claims while you work except in the USA & Canada
Covers you in the event of death, disability or rescue
Teach at hundreds of IKO Centers located across the world
Assistant and Instructor manual updates
From discovery to advanced
60+ minutes of tutorial videos
Make a job request and find a job worldwide
Get steep discounts on new gear
Purchase IKO products and improve your branding