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Should you buy and use a convertible foil board?
If you have learned to ride a hydrofoil board you are probably hooked to it whether or not you want to be. If you love being on the water - the hydrofoil offers you many more days on the water, it is just a fact we cannot deny.
As technology improves and new ideas are materialized; new opportunities arise. In the foiling world you have many different foil boards from recreation to race though now we are finding convertible foil boards.
Wether its win tipt to foiling or surfboard to foiling. Is getting one of these convertible boards worth it? You can never have the best of both worlds because most likely you always end up compromising. Is it worth the hype?
The biggest perk of having a convertible board is saving money initially on not needing two boards, and when traveling, you get to save space, weight and money from baggage fees. If you are a budget traveler who wants for example a foil and surfboard -this could be an ideal compromise.
The biggest downfall is what you might lose in “true” performance and feeling of whatever it is. A surfboard for example that is convertible will be heavier and lose its true surfboard feeling. This difference might be “unnoticeable” for some though for others it can be unbearable. If you are kiteboarding where you live, having a dedicated board is optimal-
If you are someone who wants the “true” performance and feeling of the discipline you are practicing and are traveling a lot the only downfall you will have is extra baggage and costs which can be easily overcome if you have the financial resources.
The idea of having something that can do two things is great and attractive -though sometimes and for some, what it’s sacrificed is not worth it. In the end it comes down to the rider.
What do you think as the rider? Are convertible boards worth it? Do you own one? Tell us your opinion and experience below-