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Should kiteboarders cross train?
We have spoken about health and wellness before though it is something to be spoken about again especially as the new year comes around.
Before we being, we want to note that health and wellness are quite popular yet broad terms being used nowadays. Health and wellness has different meanings depending to whom you speak to. We will not dive to deep though to give context, we are referring to health both physical and mental and wellness on a spiritual, physical and mental level as well.
Kiteboarding is a sport that trains individuals to be focused, strong, creative, adaptive and well rounded amongst other positive traits. You must not only connect and observe your physical and natural surroundings but also become a master board rider and kite pilot over time.
Cross training as a kiteboarder can go many ways - some feel more inclined to something like Yoga that requires strength, tranquility and focus or something like high-interval training requires energy focus and stamina. Whether one is better than the other is debatable though what is important is that YOU feel drawn to it and the after results are rewarding. We cannot base something on if we like it because the truth is many people do not “like” training every day or multiple times a week.
No matter what you are doing on the side of kiteboarding it is good to be doing something consistently on the side that can be done by yourself. It is best if what you are doing doesn’t rely on other people or Mother Nature.
Whatever your cross training activity is, you can always try to tweak it towards relating to kiteboarding. Whether doing exercises, poses or activities try to find ways to incorporate an aspect from kiteboarding to help better overlap.
So this year what are your plans not only for kiteboarding but for training? What is your favorite activity and or training to do aside from kiteboarding?