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As the world of kiteboarding exponentially grows we will have more and more kiteboarders wanting to jump. The sensation of jumping is one similar to flying especially in strong winds. This feeling is not only super fun and addictive though can be dangerous if not performed and learned properly. When thinking of learning to jump consider these following points-
-Learn in stable winds 15-25 knots.
-Learn in unobstructed 2m+ deep water.
-Learn in an open space far from other kiteboarders.
-Watch videos for advice before jumping.
-Ask your IKO Instructor for advice before jumping.
-Have someone keep an eye on you when trying.
-Do not attempt in super strong gusty winds.
-Do not attempt in shallow waters especially with obstructions like reef.
-Do not attempt in crowded areas with limited space.
-Do not attempt if you are alone with no one around to help.
-Do not be afraid to ask questions or consult other kiteboarders for help.
These are some points we believe someone should consider when thinking about learning to jump. What do you think are some “Dos and Don’ts” someone should consider?
Let us know in the comment section below-