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Become a Better and Safer Kiter: Take the IKO Assistant Training Course and Instructor Training Course
Author: Marica Moda
IKO's professional courses are structured so that you can become a better and safer kiter. We offer two main types of professional courses: the Assistant Training Course (ATC) and the Instructor Training Course (ITC)
Kitesurfing is a sport that can change your life, both professionally and personally.
IKO's professional courses are constantly updated to keep up with the times and equipment and are supported by comprehensive pedagogical manuals, online courses, practice tests, and various teaching tools to make you a better kiter and instructor—safe in all conditions.
What are the IKO Assistant Training Course (ATC) and the Instructor Training Course (ITC)?
The Assistant Training Course (ATC) is designed for independent kiters who want to improve their riding level, feel safer on the beach and in the water, and have even more fun with other kiters.
The ATC is also the first step to starting your career in kitesurfing with IKO. When your passion for this sport is deep, and all you think about is wind and kitesurfing, you can continue on the professional path by becoming an IKO Instructor - (ITC). By doing this, you will achieve excellence in teaching an exciting sport!
Why should you attend an IKO Professional Course?
Kiters: best on the beach and in the water
There can be several reasons for an independent kiter to attend a professional IKO course (ATC and ITC), all of which are valid.
For personal satisfaction
"Great experience, lots of learning during the Assistant (ATC) course, in an environment of trust and always looking for improvement with a positive attitude." - Julia
"I chose to attend the Instructor (ITC) course for personal satisfaction. Because when I learn a sport, I want to know it all the way through. I’m a curious and interested person who likes to study things thoroughly. I wanted to know everything about kitesurfing." -Tony
To get a qualification
"Great atmosphere and teaching skills; it was a great experience, as well as getting certified as Assistant (ATC)." - Javier
"I decided to attend the Instructor (ITC) course because I like to study and learn things thoroughly; I also like to collect and display certificates of the sports I learn. Seeing them all hanging on the wall gives me a lot of satisfaction." - Genny
"Exciting and content-rich course, above my expectations. Regarding the trainer, I can say that he turned out to be a professional with an excellent level of preparation; he evaluated and deepened all topics superbly. Besides being very satisfied with the course, I recommend anyone to attend an Assistant (ATC) course, even if only for personal culture." - Daniele
To feel more confident
"I know how to kitesurf, it's a sport I enjoy, but I don't feel so good and safe, neither on the beach nor in the water. Attending the Assistant (ATC) course has helped me to know everything I need during my kitesurfing days on the beach and in the water. Also, being useful to other kiters who share my passion." - Khrys
"The Assistant (ATC) course was a superb experience! It was much better than I expected." - Henri
"During the Instructor (ITC) course, we covered many topics making them clear and enjoyable to follow! It gave me confidence and positivity." - Mattia
To have opportunities in the future
"During the Assistant (ATC) course, I had a great time and learned many valuable things that greatly improved my knowledge of kitesurfing. Our trainer was very professional; she always motivated us and pushed us toward perfection. It was a great, outstanding experience." - Max
"I decided to attend the Instructor (ITC) course to leave a door open for myself in the future; as the saying goes, "learn a trade for a rainy day." Now I don't plan to teach, I have to finish my university studies, and then I will start a new job, but in life, you never know. I may need it if I decide to change my career path someday. Having a "plan B" available gives me security. Whatever, I will always have a professional certification in a sport I like." - Pier
To become a competent athlete
"I decided to attend the Assistant (ATC) course, and it was an amazing experience during which I learned a lot." - Abdullah
"My dream is to become a professional athlete in the kitesurf world. I love competitions, and I want to be a part of them. I feel ready to face a kitesurfing competition, but I want to know everything about kitesurfing to be a better and more complete athlete. Besides, the competitive career cannot last forever, and already having a professional Instructor's certification (ITC), in the sport I want to devote my life to, makes me feel complete." - Nicolas
To get family members into kitesurfing
"The Assistant (ATC) course was definitely above my expectations. It was a very educational experience on a technical level but at the same time with a fun approach." - Ethel
"I have been kitesurfing for many years, and now I would like to teach the sport to my children and then kitesurf with them. I'm not interested in being an instructor to others; it's such an exciting sport that I want to make it a family sport. I decided to take the Instructor (ITC) course so that I would be the one to have enough knowledge to teach it to my children safely and then follow their progress." - Megan
"The entire Assistant (ATC) course exceeded my expectations, it was a great experience, I learned many useful things for any circumstances—on the beach, and in the water.” - Marco
Occupation: IKO Instructor
Many kiters decide to become IKO Instructors to change their lives and create new professional opportunities for themselves, earn money in the sports industry they love most, and travel, working in the many IKO Centers worldwide.
The IKO Centers are the most beautiful "offices" in the world. The positive vibes in this environment, the desire to share one's passion, and the willingness to take on new challenges with each student daily are the right motivations to become an IKO Instructor.
Who is the Assistant Training Course (ATC) for?
The Assistant course is for all kiters who want to improve on the beach and in the water.
What are the prerequisites for attending the Assistant Course (ATC)?
The Assistant course is divided into two parts, an online part and an in-person part.
Regarding online training, there are no prerequisites to attend Module 1- eLearning. Therefore, everyone can access this Module.
To attend Module 2 in-person training you must be at least 16 years old, have an Advanced IKO or equivalent riding level, and be able to swim at least 200 meters in deep water.
What will you learn during the Assistant Course (ATC)?
The Assistant (ATC) course is the first step in the IKO professional path.
It’s a path that’s designed for kiters who want to improve their kitesurfing knowledge. It’s also the first step that will allow you to learn the proper techniques and procedures and be admitted to the Instructor Training Course (ITC).
On the theoretical level, what will you learn during the Assistant Course?
- Points of sail terminology
- Right-of-way rules
- International kiteboarding signs
- Equipment
- Kite aerodynamic terminology
- Basic principles of aerodynamics
- Kite flight theory
- Meteorology
- Oceanography
"The Assistant (ATC) course opened my mind so much. A lot of new knowledge on preparing equipment, maintenance, and performing repairs. A very useful course; really worthwhile." - Ryan
On a practical level, what will you learn during the Assistant Course (ATC)?
- You will learn how to use the IKO teaching method to assist IKO Instructors during their lessons in the Level 1 - Discovery IKO courses
- You will improve your navigation skills as an Advanced IKO level kiter
- You will improve and practice the following safety procedures:
• Self-launching
• Self-landing
• Self-rescue and pack down
• Board recovery
• Rider recovery
- You will learn how to set, trim, repair, and maintain equipment
- You will learn how to rescue a kiter and their kite from a boat being led by a third party
- You will learn how to practice and comply with the Spot Risk Assessment (SRA) and Emergency Action Plan (EAP) that there are in all IKO Centers
You will develop social skills:
- Emotional competence and interacting professionally with a proactive attitude and an open mind
- You will acquire the tools needed to deal with stress and long work days, working on empathy and problem solving
- You will learn how to manage and meet deadlines to be a good Assistant
- You will learn to work as a team, asking for and giving help to the whole group when needed
- You will learn to manage and respect the environment, leaving the beach cleaner than you found it, and becoming a good example to follow
What can you do as an Assistant?
As an IKO Assistant, you will not be allowed to teach alone, but you will be qualified to:
- Assist and supervise a kiter level 2I or higher
- Assist IKO Instructors and independent kiters with launching/landing procedures
- Assist IKO Instructor Level 2 or higher in safety, circulation, organization, and equipment trim
- Manage security and organization of the spot
- Manage the organization of equipment and its necessary maintenance
- Manage the rental service for independent kiters (equipment selection, set, and SEA evaluation)
This qualification is the first step to giving you access to the Instructor (ITC) course.
Who is the Instructor Training Course (ITC) for?
The Instructor course is open to all IKO Assistants who are at least 18 years old.
It's aimed at anyone who wants to make their passion for kitesurfing a real profession by being able to teach at one of the nearly 400 IKO Centers in the world's windiest spots.
What are the prerequisites for attending the Instructor Course (ITC)?
The Instructor course is all in-person.
You must be at least 18 years old, be an IKO Assistant, and hold a valid first aid (MFA/EFR) and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) certificate.
What will you learn during the Instructor Course (ITC)?
You will learn IKO teaching techniques and methodology to become a good, professional, and safe instructor.
On a theoretical level, what will you learn during the Instructor Course (ITC)?
- To teach while remembering that your main goal is to help your students become independent
- To evaluate students’ errors in order to correct them appropriately
- To use the IKO teaching methodology according to the lesson plan
- To use the eight steps of the IKO teaching method
- To fulfill the eight responsibilities of an IKO Instructor
- To follow the standard IKOs
- To teach by adapting to the spot
- To teach students to always follow safety guidelines by using the appropriate equipment
- To work according to the Spot Risk Assessment (SRA) procedures and Emergency Action Plan (EAP) of the IKO Center
- To check and evaluate weather and tidal forecasts before each lesson and throughout the duration of the lesson
"The Instructor (ITC) course was a wonderful experience, I learned so much theoretically and practically. Really satisfied!" - Sauro
On a practical level, what will you learn during the Instructor Course (ITC)?
- You will put into practice all the pedagogical aspects that you will have previously studied theoretically
- You will practice teaching with real students
- You will learn how to use IKO's computer system, register your students, and certify their level of achievement
You will learn to work within the IKO standards, which are the contract between IKO, its members, and the public.
The IKO standards are designed to maintain and improve the professionalism and image of the kitesurfing instructors and centers. They are a quality reference used to evaluate IKO members; they are a safety reference for learners who choose to learn with IKO; and they are based on a unified teaching system worldwide.
For all these reasons, the standards may change yearly to keep up with the latest developments in equipment, safety, teaching methods, and market needs.
"The Instructor (ITC) course was extremely positive. I greatly improved my knowledge and skills. The teaching method is immediate and very practical." - Carlo
You will develop social skills:
- You will learn the communication principles essential to give a good lesson
- You will acquire the tools needed to deal with stress and long days, working on empathy and problem solving
- You will learn how to manage and stay on schedule to give a good kitesurfing lesson
- You will improve in teamwork, which is essential within an IKO Center
- You will learn to manage and respect the environment, leaving the beach cleaner than you found it and becoming a good example to follow
"The Instructor (ITC) course stimulated my interest and made me even more passionate about this incredible sport. I would do this course a thousand more times! It has changed not only my way of thinking and kitesurfing, but it has been a real journey within myself, discovering my strengths and weaknesses that I will have to work on from here on out." - Charlotte
"The Instructor (ITC) course was an absolutely fantastic time, a super experience full of knowledge and fun memories." - Mohamed
What can you do as an Instructor?
By earning your IKO Instructor certification, you will hold a world-renowned professional certification and have the opportunity to teach at IKO Centers located in the most beautiful kitesurfing spots.
In addition, you will have access to the Job Search (JOB) system on the website, where IKO Centers register their requests for IKO Instructors to join their teams.
From Instructor Level 1, you can pursue your professional career in IKO.
"I recently completed my Instructor (ITC) course; it was very informative, and I learned a lot. I realized that IKO sets a high standard and is a well-recognized name in the kitesurfing world." -Louis
Who is the Equivalency Course (IEC - Instructor Equivalency Course) for?
Are you already a certified kitesurfing instructor and want to become an IKO Instructor?
This is the right course for you, because it's aimed at those who already hold a kitesurfing instructor certificate from other legally recognized organizations and wish to convert their certification to an international one.
What are the prerequisites for attending the Instructor Equivalency Course (IEC)?
The Equivalency course is all in-person.
You must hold an instructor's certificate legally recognized in your country and accepted by IKO.
To find out if your certificate is accepted for conversion, send an email to:
What will you learn during the Equivalency Course (IEC)?
This work-oriented course will be a unique experience where you can meet, share, and learn from other experienced, motivated, and knowledgeable instructors like yourself.
- You will learn to adopt the methodology that IKO has developed in teaching kitesurfing, integrating them with what you have already learned in your previous experience as a kitesurfing instructor
- You will learn how to use the IKO lesson plan
- You will learn how to use and adhere to IKO standards to make your lesson safe and effective
“I decided to join the IKO for its strong focus on safety in the business and taking care of the students and the instructor as well as the equipment. The IKO lesson plan consists of logical steps that build on each other. The level system and student-to-instructor-ratios totally make sense, as it brings you to the point where you know your skills and limits and—based on teaching experience—get better little by little until you reach the next level and are able to teach more students at the same time.” - Thilo
What can you do as an IKO Instructor?
By converting your certification, you will become an IKO Instructor and can work in all the IKO Centers worldwide.
IKO complements its focus on safety with Medic First Aid (MFA) / Emergency First Response (EFR) Courses. What are these courses?
MFA/EFR courses are first aid courses that aim to build confidence in caring for others and intervening early to help any person in distress.
Who are the MFA/EFR Courses for?
These are courses for everyone.
Do you know what to do in an emergency? Do you want to learn the basics of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and know how to act in an emergency?
This is the right course to acquire essential first aid skills considered vital and useful in daily life and the workplace. Knowing what to do in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death, so anyone should take this course.
As for IKO Instructors, it’s mandatory to have this certification.
This certification must be renewed every two years so that we are always up-to-date and trained in first aid procedures.
Where are the Courses MFA/EFR held?
MFA/EFR courses are held at all IKO Pro Centers, and they are all in-person.
In addition, they are usually taught between the Assistant (ATC) and Instructor (ITC) courses, being an essential requirement for all IKO Instructors.
What will you learn during MFA/EFR courses?
- To handle an emergency situation calmly and clearly, staying safe, and knowing how to help others
- Primary care:
- Steps and techniques for handling life-threatening emergencies
- The practice of the eight skills to help patients who are not breathing, have no heartbeat, may have a spinal cord injury, be in shock, or have severe bleeding
- Performing CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation and monitoring the patient to give them every chance of survival while waiting for emergency medical services
- CPR and AED: training and practical tests of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
- Secondary care:
- How to provide first aid to calm the pain, reduce the risk of further damage, assess various injuries and illnesses, and practice bandaging and splinting
The certificate you receive will be valid for two years and is widely accepted internationally.
Join the IKO community. Travel and share your passion with the rest of the world competently, professionally, and safely!