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Last year we wrote about how to buy used kite gear and many people have messaged us about how that article benefited them. Due to the positive results, we wanted to add to this mystery of buying used gear. Here are some quick tips of what to avoid when buying a used kite.
5 Things to avoid when buying a second hand kite:
-Kites with major rips and repairs.
-Kites older than 3 years.
-Kites previously owned by someone learning unhooked freestyle.
-Kites with signs of heavy wear on the material.
-Kites used by uncertified instructors or schools.
It is always best if possible to try it before you buy it though it is not always possible. Examining who the owner was and the material itself will generally give you a good idea if the kite will last you many sessions or break on the first hard crash.
Buying used equipment is a good way to enter the sport on a budget though it can have its repercussions. If you don’t find a good deal then we recommend you consider spending the extra money on new equipment from an official dealer. This will help avoid many issues and allow you to focus on you and your riding, instead of you worrying about your equipment breaking!
If you have ever purchased used kites, what has been your experience? Any other tips that were not mentioned that you find to be useful?