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New IKO Standards Meets Demand For Safer Kiteboarding
29 Sep 2012
As kiteboarding makes its debut in the 2016 Olympics, the public has started to examine the sport and its safety. Because of its extensive worldwide network, the IKO is in the best position to step-up and provide the world the confidence it demands from safe practice in the sport.
In August 2012, the IKO has met this challenge by updating its already high Standards and releasing a newly developed “Chart of Sanctions.”
1. Release of the “Chart of Sanctions”
The updates now emphasize sanctions when the Standards are not adhered to. While sanctions were always a part of the process, the IKO has stepped it up to focus more on enforcement because the growth of the sport has created an imperative to do so. The IKO has thus released a “Chart of Sanctions” to help further the growth of the sport. The Chart is designed to motivate members to adhere to the Standards and follow the belief that fun and safety go together while practicing kiteboarding.
The “Chart of Sanctions” also ensures that the IKO brand along with any rider, instructor or kite school bearing the brand will be synonymous with having the safest and most up-to-date kiteboard training.
2. A New Warning System
Along with the “Chart of Sanctions,” the IKO has changed its warning system. Points allocated to each offense have replaced the warning flags. Here is how it works -- The initial number of points granted to IKO members is 15. The number of points corresponding to an offense is automatically removed from a member’s account when a violation has occurred. It’s important to note that IKO Members left with only 5 points or less will be suspended. Warnings prior to the implementation of this system will be given a point value according to the “Chart of Sanctions” and deducted from the member’s account that has existing warnings.
Because of IKO’s high Standards, it has been able to offer huge benefits to its member base such as discounts and specific kiteboarding insurance coverage for riders, independent instructors and kite schools. For new instructors, the IKO has made the Assistant Instructor Training Course (AITC) mandatory to help jump-start someone into a kiteboard teaching career. The AITC is now a prerequisite for anyone moving on toward taking an Instructor Training Course (ITC). The benefit of the AITC is that once the course has been completed, the new Assistant Instructors can begin teaching right away without having to go through all the requirements of an ITC but with some restrictions.
Moreover, a huge benefit that the IKO gives its members is that they get to bear the label of the IKO, which gives them worldwide recognition as credible and safe! Who can beat that?
Now that the IKO is offering a “FREE” plan to get people started into the IKO System, IKO Membership just got easier and more affordable. The IKO now has a plan that fits everyone’s needs and budget. Everyone can start affiliating or becoming a member today. The update to the Standards outlines all the new IKO membership/affiliation plans. If you have not done so already, get started today. Affiliate Now
Click to get a copy of the Standards and Chart of Sanctions.