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IKO Updates Affiliated Kite Center Logo
We are pleased to let you know that the IKO Affiliated Kite Center Logos have been updated with the design intent to help you generate attention for your business.
This logo lets your potential customers know that you are a reputable IKO Affiliated Kite Center.
See the above 3 logos for water, snow and power and take note of their changes. Additionally, each of these logos come if 5 different sizes so you have more options to fit on all of your promotional materials whether those are for a web site, Internet advertising banners, print materials and more! The graphic you download will contain all 5 different sizes.
Please start to update your current materials immediately by replacing this new and improved logo where the old logo is. We know this new logo will provide your Center better recognition of your IKO Affiliation. To further help you get the most from these logos, the IKO has provided an “IKO Logo Guidelines” document. The “Guidelines” assists you in understanding how to apply proper usage.
The IKO branding provides your Center worldwide recognition as having trusted and verified credentials providing your training facility with the highest credibility in international kiteboard training. IKO brings you opportunities to find instructors from around the world as well as students for recreational kiteboarding and candidates for instructor courses.
We hope that our continued partnership brings you profitability and recognition.
You can download the newly updated IKO Affiliated Kite Center Logos and the “Guidelines” from the Pro Area of the IKO website in the download section.
Happy Kiting!