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Tornado Surf
Tornado Surf Center
Safaga, Red Sea - Egitto -
- 838 Feedback
Siamo un centro indipendente di sport acquatici nella bella Safaga, sul Mar Rosso (Egitto). In un'atmosfera calda e amichevole potrete godervi appieno le vostre vacanze, in modo molto più accogliente e socievole rispetto ai grandi centri. Sia che veniate per fare kitesurf, wingfoiling, windsurf, stand up paddling o semplicemente per rilassarvi. Il nostro centro si trova sulla spiaggia del Paradies Abu Soma Resort. Potrete praticare Windsurf, Wingsurf/foiling o Stand Up Paddling direttamente dalla spiaggia. Da qui potrete anche partecipare alle nostre escursioni in kite/wing e ai safari. Con le nostre barche chiamate Kite Adventure e Legends, le nostre stazioni mobili di kite/wing, vi portiamo in uno dei migliori spot del mondo: Soma Bay. L'area è adatta a tutti i livelli di abilità: i principianti troveranno le condizioni ideali per imparare nell'enorme laguna. I rider più esperti potranno godere di uno spazio infinito nelle acque turchesi di Soma Bay, indipendentemente dalle maree. La superficie è perlopiù piatta o increspata.
Corsi/offerte formative
We are glad to teach you either Kitesurfing or Wingfoiling in Arabic, English, German or French – Italian on request. Whether you are a beginner, an intermediate or an advanced rider who wants to learn new techniques or tricks, with Tornado Surf Center you are always right. We will help you to achieve your goals. Safety is very important for us. Therefore, we only work with IKO qualified instructors who are strictly following the teaching standards of IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) and IWO for Wingfoiling (International Wingfoil Organization). In the end of the course you will get the license certifying your riding level. Check our Website for more information: www.tornadosurf.comAttrezzatura
We offer various F-One kites (Bandit, One, Breeze) to rent in sizes from 4㎡ to 17㎡. Twintips in sizes between 128cm to 155cm from F-One and Good Boards as well as two directionals and various hydrofoil set-ups for beginner and intermediate skills with mast lengths between 55cm and 85cm and the IC6 wing setup. Furthermore, we rent the Wing models Strike, Strike CWC and Swing V2 from F-One in sizes from 3.5㎡ to 8.0㎡. For Windsurfing and Wingfoiling we provide different sizes of inflatable and hard deck boards from 54L to 190L volume.Alta stagione
All year around Safaga/Soma Bay is an ideal year-round destination for watersports like kite or wing surfing/foiling. It has a subtropical desert climate with hot summers and warm winters. The annual average temperature is over 29 degrees Celsius, with January being the coldest month with an average temperature of just under 20 degrees. In summer it gets hot in the region and the thermometer rises well above 30 degrees Celsius every day and can cracks the 40 degree mark on some midsummer days. Due to the low humidity on many days, it feels pleasant even in summer. The summer months from June to September have a wind probability of up to 80 percent. In the rest of the year it's still 50 percent.Struttura
- Retail shop
- Bar/Restaurant
- Wifi
- Powerboat Course
- Teaching from a boat
- Children’s Lessons