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Soul Kitesurfing Center
The Soul Kitesurfing Centre is located in Ras Sudr in South Sinai on the east coast of the Suez Gulf. It is 210km away from Cairo near the mid-point between Cairo and Sharm El-Sheikh Road. The Soul Kitesurfing Centre class room is the shallow, waist-deep
Ras Sudr - Ägypten -
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Komm und erlebe die warme und freundliche Atmosphäre bei Soul Kitesurfing, wo wir glauben, dass es keine "schlechten Schüler" gibt. Entspanne dich an unserem freundlichen Strand, erzähle eine Geschichte mit uns und lerne neue Freunde kennen. Wir haben international qualifizierte Lehrer, die dich unterrichten können, wenn du ein Anfänger bist oder dir helfen, deine Technik zu perfektionieren, wenn du ein erfahrener Fahrer bist. Soul Kitesurfing Centre Mission - Unseren Gästen einen hochwertigen Service zu bieten, indem wir unsere Leidenschaft und unser professionelles Können für das Kitesurfen weitergeben. - Eine sichere, entspannte und einladende Atmosphäre zu schaffen - Die Gäste über die Umwelt aufklären.
Kurs und Anleitung
Kitesurfing is fun, safe and easy to learn and after our 9 hour course you will be ready to go out with the kite on your own. We structure our lessons over a period of up to three days depending on the fitness of our students, and on how you are feeling.If you dont have enough time to complete the course you can come back whenever the time suits - we are more than happy to work around your schedule! You can take the lesson over a weekend or If you want to learn in the morning and chill out with a beer or a book on our sun loungers and bedouin mats that is fine by us! Our instructors are all IKO certified. This means that they have been certified and accredited by the International Kiteboarding Organization.This accreditation ensures that the instructors are well aware of all the safety precautions and regulations. This also means that by the end of your course you will be presented with a Level 2 IKO card/ID that acknowledges your ability to kitesurf and can be used as proof in all kitesurfing centers around the world.Ausrüstung
We Use the Most Up to Date models of Kites and Gear. Our kites are perfect for Beginners with all sizes available for renting and beginners Course. They are easy to relaunch and have perfect Wind range we use the best brand of kites for our Schools, we use kite which our easy to relaunch making it easy and comfortable for our students and customers. We have a variety of sizes of boards and choose the best suitable boards for the students and customers depending on weight, progress and wind range. We have a variety of Harnesses, seat and waist with a range of sizes. We supply all the safety gear and rashvest and wetsuits for the colder days. We Update our gear every few months so you have the newest kites around.Beste Saison
Our Season Begins March and ends at the end of November. With Wind peaking between April til October.Einrichtungen
- Retail shop
- Bar/Restaurant
- Wifi
- Children’s Lessons